NSWR One Commanding Officers
This plaque shows the emblem of NSWR One Commanding Officers. This plaque is made from solid mahogany wood that is handmade from carving, painting and finishing. An extraordinary retirement gift and memorabilia to commemorate the service and dedication of personnel under unit. A recessed hook enables the plaque to hang flush against any wall.
NSWR One Commanding Officers: Naval Special Warfare Groups (NSWG) are echelon II Captain (O6) major commands established by NAVSPECWARCOM at NAB Coronado and NAB Little Creek to equip, support, and provide command and control elements and trained and ready SEAL and SDV platoons and forces to the geographic CINCs. NSW mission areas include unconventional warfare, direct action, combating terrorism, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, information warfare, security assistance, counter-drug operations, personnel recovery and hydrographic reconnaissance. NSW forces can operate independently or integrate with other U.S. special operations forces or within U.S. Navy carrier battle groups and amphibious ready groups.

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